Quantum Healing: Diseases are sign of lowered vibrations

Quantum Healing:

Diseases are sign of lowered vibrations

Every disease is a sign of lowered vibrations. In a healthy state, the body has certain vibrational state. It has higher and more harmonious frequency, while different diseases have their specific vibrational frequency, which is low and destructive.

Where do the sick vibrations in our body come from? Cindy Dale explains how we internalize traumatic experiences. They are stored as energy at a quantum level in the chakras themselves or in parts of the body. 

Therefore, when I scan people energetically, I find areas of unhealthy energy. I can feel if it has the resonance of sadness, pain, anger, fear or other negative emotions. Focusing my awareness on these areas I see it begin to melt away. And the vibrations change to healthy ones. 

As Petar Dunov says, "Thought can expel any disease from the human organism.. There is no illness that thought is not capable of correcting. If people would concentrate their minds on a certain point, they would melt what is there. Canara would be melted by the energy that emanates from human brains. People, if they know how, by concentration of thought can melt away all sorrows and diseases." 

How did I learn to do this? As I have described in other articles, after a severe trauma I started using the Quantum Pen . So I avoided surgery and after only a week I was pain free again, able to walk and do everything. Only during heavier physical exertion did I continue to wear the Quantum Pen near the sore spot. Otherwise, I could feel the stress of the workload starting to build up there again. But if I wore it, I could freely exercise, exercise and do whatever I wanted. 

Only after a few months I no longer needed the pen. What I didn't realize then was that even after I had cleared the sick energy on the surface, there was still some left at lower levels. Like the iceberg, we see what is above the water. Clearing it is not enough. The iceberg is huge under the water. 

This is how you can understand the accumulation of stress vibrations in your body. It took a long period of time for the negative vibrations to build up in that place, with no outward physical effect. When the energy approaches the surface, you feel slight, insignificant signals, but you are still healthy. Once it breaks above the surface, this iceberg of accumulated traumatic energy manifests itself in physical problems. 

Therefore, when working with the Energy Quantum Pen , I notice how some energies are cleared incredibly quickly. For others, it takes longer. It all depends on the amount of accumulated sick vibrations in the area. But at least I know that as I continue to work with the Pen, over time all the energy will synchronize with its healthy frequency, and eventually the problem will disappear completely. I've been using it for years now and it's always been like this. Always in the end the problem disappears completely. 

The best thing is that even acquaintances to whom I have given it with a minimal explanation of how to use it, have achieved success that even I am surprised and inspired by. So, I definitely recommend everyone to try it. At least as an adjunct or a starter until they learn to heal with their own energy. 

And yes, I've written about this before; I have had the best success with the Combined Quantum Pens , which combine Japanese and American technology. Another reason I prefer them is the price. They are not expensive (BGN 300-600), nor are they cheap (BGN 40-50), but they cost around BGN 100. When we have them on sale, the Double Combination Pen is BGN 75, and the Triple Combination Pen , including magnetic treatment (BGN 85). 

The best part is that it treats all members of the family, eliminating the need for many other expensive medications, as well as many trips to hospitals, check-ups, etc. Remember, we are not medicated, God has given our body everything it needs to heal itself. We only help him by clearing the negative quantum energies that block his normal functioning. 

up to 2000 ionization

The Miracle of the 'Quantum Nano-Stick'
Zero-Energy Healing: The Miracle of the 'Quantum Nano-Stick'
Bio-Energy Treatment of All Pains and Illnesses The Quantum Bio-Energy 'Nano-Stick' is a modern scientific technology increasingly used in the US , Japan and Korea. Its action is due to strong ionization and bio-energy.

the bio-energy stick

The energy stick can be used in many ways, for advice contact us:

1. Circular movements clockwise in the area of ​​pain, at a distance of 2 to 5 cm. Repeat as needed for 3 to 30 minutes per session.

2. To do point massage on the fingers and toes to release the meridians of the body or other acupuncture points. Find and massage tense veins and muscles in the body until they soften.

3. Make at least 40 to 120 circular movements over each of the energy centers; the head (above, between the eyes, temples, below the ears), the thyroid, the heart, the solar plexus, the navel... to unclog the energy in them and restore a healthy balance. Work longer on the glands that have a problem.

4. Make rectilinear passages (up and down) along the affected meridians (connected to the sore spot). We have 12 main meridians. Massaging different points with the Energy Stick is much more effective than a simple point massage; it doesn't just activate them, it clears the blocking energy. In total, the human body has 365 points and 12 main meridians, which corresponds to the number of days in a year.

5. You may do passages through the central meridian (the center of the body), which will affect all the other meridians and specifically everything in the body related to the problem you are thinking about at the moment. In such a case, depending on the problem, 40 to 2000 passes are needed. For example, you go along the spine, up and down...end to end. If you do it yourself, do it on the head (from between the eyebrows to the bottom of the back of the head)

6. You can use it for cosmetic purposes, on the face to rejuvenate your skin and remove wrinkles; With rotating movements, with stroking or massaging the relevant areas.

7. You can use it to enhance your drinks, food, fruits - activating them with 30-40 rotating movements. Add prayer and meditation if desired to become healing for a specific problem.

8. You can use it to massage your back, pelvis, waist, neck, shoulders, shoulders, etc. muscles on the body. With it, you can feel all the congested, inflamed, tight, bloodless places... with a little massage, they will soon be blood-supplied, restored energetically and relaxed. Read more at http://kvantovo-lechenie.blogspot.bg

Testimonials: How to cure knee and leg pain

Many people to whom I have given or gifted the Quantum Pen have shared about the Miraculous effect. After only days they came with the amazing stories, how it helped the husband with his shoulders, the grandfather with his back, the grandmother with her knees, etc. Try it out and share your miracle stories.


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