The Universal Energy of Plasma Manifests your Thoughts

Rev Sun Myung Moon said:

"You have millions of individual cells in your body, like employees of a company. Every cell sends waves to which all nature responds. Whatever wave you send is how nature will echo you. What kind of person would you like to be - endless appreciation, or endless disappointment and complaint? This is why the Bible teaches us to always have gratitude, as well as sweetness and humility."

The Universal Energy of Plasma Manifests your Thoughts

In terms of vibrations, the Universal Energy of Plasma is able to resonate only with those people whose vibrations are as close as possible to hers.

Only such people are able to make the Transition, are potential candidates for this kind of healing.

The Universal Plasma Energy will find wide application in the fuel and energy sector, as it is the unlimited and wireless source of electricity that is already much talked about in many scientific articles.

To understand its application, imagine it as a catalyst for human thought, which contributes to its manifestation on the physical plane..

It manifests your imaginary reality outside - it acts as a "plasma TV screen", radiating your thoughts, emotions and actions to the world around you.  As a result of which his intentions are very quickly manifested in the physical plane formed by it on the subtle plane.

It is this principle that is the basis of replicator technology - the reproduction of an imaginary human object on the physical plane.

As Rev Sun Myung Moon explained, "Every cell sends waves to which all nature responds. Whatever wave you send is how nature will echo you."

When I enter spiritually in the body, I can go and observe on energy level or deeper on the spiritual level, where I see a vast universe with many gathering places for spirits and the influence they exert with their particular level of soul energy.

There is a vast world inside of us. This is the most detailed model of a human cell to date, obtained using x-ray (nuclear magnetic resonance and cryoelectron microscopy).

"Mind exists throughout your body, with not even one cell within your body where it is not present. The same is true for God." Sun Myung Moon

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