8 Ways of Using the Quantum bio-energy Stick - HEALING PEN SYNCHORONIZATION

Quantum Synchronization with the Healing Pen

Nicolas Tesla once said, "If you want to find the secret of the Universe, you need to think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

We and everything around us is frequency. The visible light is just a tiny frequency on the full electro-magnetic spectrum. We are made of energy and we see less than 1% of that energy. No wonder this vibrational healing is so helpful.
"Healing with the Quantum stick is not a matter of faith but of frequency interactions. When two systems vibrate at different frequencies, their energies tend to equalize – The sick energy will naturally harmonize with the stronger, healthy vibrations of the pen."
With Quantum Synchronization, the resonance can simply change, causing problems and symptoms to disappear. The good thing is that anyone, even without any experience and understanding, can use a Quantum Pen and achieve the same healing effect.

8 Ways of using the bio-energy stick
"When doing circular movements or massage (with the quantum stick), in the tense (diseased) areas, the symptoms of various ailments will be relieved or even completely resolved."

This energy healing-stick can be used in many different ways:

1. Rotate clockwise in pain area from 2 to 5 cm distance. Repeat as needed for 3 to 30 minutes per session. No limit to how long. No side effects.

2. Do a spot massage in the painful area or on the fingers and toes to release the meridians of the body or other acupuncture points. Seek and massage tense areas and muscles throughout the body until they soften.

3. Make at least 40 to 120 circular motions above each of the energy centers; head (top, between eyes, temples, under ears), thyroid, heart, solar plexus, navel ... to cleanse the energy in them and restore a healthy balance. Work longer on glands with a problem.

4. Make straight passages (up and down) on the affected meridians (related to the problem). We have 12 major meridians. Massaging different points with this Energy Stick is much more effective than a regular spot massage; not just activates them, it clears the blocked energy. In total, the human body has 365 points and 12 basic meridians, which corresponds to the number of days per year.

5. You can do passages on the central meridian (center of the body), which will affect all other meridians, and in particular everything in the body related to the problem you are currently thinking of. In this case, 40 to 2000 passes are required in each session, depending on the problem. For example, you go up and down the spine ... end to end. If you do it yourself, it is done on the head (back and forth - the center of the head)

6. You can use it for cosmetic purposes on the face to rejuvenate your skin and remove wrinkles; By rotating, caressing or massaging the respective areas.

7. You can use it to enhance your drinks, food, fruits - activating them with 30-40 rotational movements. Add prayer and meditation if desired, to focus it on healing for a specific problem.

8. You can use it for massage on the back, pelvis, waist, neck, shoulders, shoulders and any muscles of the body. With it you can sense all the cluttered, sore, tight, unburdened places ... with a little massage they will soon be cleansed, recovering energy and relaxing.

We are using the Quantum Energy Pen successfully for more than 6 years. It helped me, helped my family and many of our friends and relatives to heal numerous problems. We just want to share our experience. But you have to try it and experience its healing effect for yourself.

Many people to whom we have given the Quantum Pen, have shared about its Miraculous healing effect. Just days later, they would come with amazing stories about how it helped their spouse with the shoulders, helped the grandfather with his back, or the grandmother with her knees, etc. Try it and share your miraculous stories.
£19 with 1500 Jonization 
£29 with 2000 Jonization
£40-50 (Combined Healing Pen) 

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1 comment:

  1. where can one order such a pen and which is the best?what are the jonization, what does it mean


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