Your Health is the State of Your Love

Health is a State of Love

Your Health is the State of Your Love, says the great Bulgarian teacher, Peter Dunov. The most noble power in the medicine is love, says Paracel. Love comes with some solid health benefits, according to a growing body of scientific research.

The virus is not the enemy but our life-style, our way of thinking and relating with others. If you are separated form God, you are going away from health. God is within the atoms of the medication. Thus, you can be touched by Him and get healed without any medication.

If you got God in your lasso of love, the virus does not exist for your. But when you are standing in a disposition where God cannot help you, that's where you cannot be helped. 

Only where God is not present the virus can reign. 

Why you perceive the virus but you cannot perceive God? People have such a big sensibility towards the virus, but have no sensibility to God, that's the problem. Nothing else resolves the problems. God is the only solution. 

The destruction of your health starts with the smallest negative thought. If one gets sick it is because he went away from his inner doctor. 

If you are afraid of the virus and think of that all the time, you become a magnet for this virus, you are away from God. Instead you should think of God. God is the one who sparks the healing power within you and within the medication. The healer is only instrument in God's hands. 

"We can only be born as a healthy and good baby if we receive good prenatal influence while inside our mother’s womb. Our life on earth is similar to our life in the womb. Therefore, we should grow resembling God’s image, His heart, and His divine nature." Sun Myung Moon, CSG 776

Why marriage is good for your health?

Feeling loved, cared for, and secure can keep the doctor away. Marriage and other long-term relationships have many health benefits.
Married people live longer, have better access to health care, enjoy a more satisfying sex life, experience less stress, live a healthier lifestyle, and have lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, and depression compared to their single counterparts.

"One should be born healthy. Next comes the time of marriage. One gets married in order to live; that is, to establish a four-position foundation. Only when such common governing principles of the universe are established on the earth will God’s will and the will of humankind be fulfilled. The family is where we seek to embody such universal laws and manifest that form." Sun Myung Moon, CSG p. 104

Attitude and worldview that give you health

"A healthy person can digest things that even ordinary people cannot take in, which is why everyone likes a healthy person. Similarly, those who have sound minds, that is, healthy minds, can take in anything mentally, be it democracy, communism, or any other system of thought." Sun Myung Moon, CSG 1332

Vibrate in the frequency of love and health

"Even if you are sick with a cold, you should have healthy feelings... Even if you have a cold, you should not look sick or appear worried when you are facing some difficulties. When a man looks worried, you should ask what is wrong and comfort him, always with a happy expression." Sun Myung Moon, CSG 1083

We have an unseen energy field that surrounds our body, radiating messages in thought form and absorbing information from our environment. This field is known as the auric field which is expanded higher consciousness. Within this energy field we hold messages about our thoughts and feelings and will often express this through body language unconsciously. 

We can pick up feelings and information about other people by simply “tuning in” to their radio because our thoughts act like radio waves that ebb and flow in the ether; you can tune in to the radio of whatever and whoever you like. It depends on who and what you give focus to.

The field of thought and emotion is what creates our outer world. So the thoughts and feelings we have internally do literally create our reality and these messages are emitted through our own energy field which can be felt subconsciously by those around us. 

When you are feeling negative or depressed the energy field of the body holds a lower frequency vibration and if in a continuous cycle, you will draw to you similar vibrations in the way of people or situations as a result. These situations act as mirrors and play out your inner drama as your inner world is a perception of your outer world.

You probably remember a time when someone has made you feel uplifted and happy, it is their energy and frequency that made you feel good! The earth too has a magnetic field and is also very conscious as is nature, plants and animals. The earth carries a collective energy field which holds thoughts, feelings and energy so the more we work on our inner stuff, the more we contribute to the greater whole and the collective.

The biggest Part of that growth is learning how to open your heart and raise your vibration for personal healing and transformation.

These frequencies not only affect your energy field but also affect sleep and mood. 

As you dissolve the pain of your past you will notice a change in the perception of your personal reality. Begin to love; love life, love nature, love people, love even the dificulties.  

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