Cancer Treatment with Baking Soda and Maple Syrup

Cancer treatment with baking soda and maple syrup

According to the Italian Dr. Tulio Simoncini, the main cause of the formation of malignant tumors is fungal infections. Although there may be other reasons. At the moment, according to him, there is no other more effective means of action against them than baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).syrup

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"Cancer cannot live in a higher Ph environment. Can't live in anything over 8.5. Preaty easy. Cure Cancer. Eat high Alkaline food, and low Acidic food, so that you can change your alkaline in your body. Raise your Ph." David Straight

20 thousand people die from cancer every day. But new research is completely changing our understanding of the causes and treatment of cancer. The main cause of cancer is shock stress. The fastest recorded cancer treatment is energy treatment . It clears stress energy.

Modern research in the quantum field shows that all diseases are caused by accumulated stress in the body at the quantum level. Cancers are specifically caused by a particularly strong, shock stress that a person experiences or is inherited in his body. The scientists, through scanning, found the areas in the brain that correspond to each type of cancer and proved its connection with a specific type of stressful experiences. Today there are quantum technologies, such as the Quantum Pen , with which this stress energy can be released from the body. If this energy is cleared the healing effect is inevitable.

In the article How to protect and heal from Cancer, we offer many supplements that help effectively in the prevention and treatment of cancers. For example, spirulina can not only prevent the appearance of cancer, but also reverse its development. Kombucha and Shiitake capsules also incredibly effective in the treatment of cancer. But here we will focus mainly on the reasons for the healing effect of baking soda. For best results, combine all of these natural treatment options. They do not interfere with each other, but mutually reinforce each other.

I just want to add that the ionization of the Quantum Medallion and the Quantum Healing Pen also lead to the supply of oxygen to the cancer cells, which you will find below is the main thing you want to achieve to heal the cancer cells.

organic cancer treatment naturopathy cancer how to cure cancer herbal treatment baking soda for cancer
The reasons for the appearance of cancer

So, health problems are due to the too acidic environment in the body . Baking soda helps in the treatment of cancer because it is highly alkaline . It turns out that making a mixture of regular baking soda and maple syrup mixed at a very low temperature prevents and even cures cancer.

Cancer treatment with bicarbonate and maple syrup is a natural chemotherapy that effectively kills cancer cells, but also greatly reduces the brutal side effects of most standard chemotherapy treatments. The reason is simple; soda enriches the blood with oxygen and allows the body to successfully deal with cancer. And as we explain below, "cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen in the cells".

In fact, the reduction is so great that the dangers are reduced to zero. Cost, which is a factor for the majority of people, is negligible with this type of treatment.

Although this method of cancer treatment is very cheap, it is very effective. Bicarbonate maple syrup cancer treatment is a very important cancer treatment that every cancer patient should be familiar with. It can easily be combined with other safe and effective natural treatments. At the end of the article we give a link to supplements with a strong effect in the treatment of cancer. Read The Truth About Cancer

The best time to take soda is before bed. 
You mix 3 Maple Syrup to 1 Soda.

A Trojan horse instead of chemotherapy
homemade, natural treatment for cancer tumor, cancer, with baking soda and maple syrup
Professor Ivan Neumivakin claims that the main cause of many diseases is a violation of the body's acid-alkaline balance. Therefore, "Soda is an indispensable product for people," says the professor. According to his recipe, the first 3 days drink a quarter of a spoonful of soda. After three days of treatment, the dose is increased - up to one tablespoon per day. Always take 15 minutes before a meal or two hours after a meal. If you forgot.

This cancer treatment is similar in principle to insulin therapy (IPT). IPT Treatment consists of doses of insulin on an empty stomach, which aims to lower blood sugar in mg 50 / dl.

Bicarbonate treatment works inversely to IPT. Dr. Tullio Simoncini admits that cancer cells seek out sugar, so it plays the role of a Trojan horse. Sugar will not cause cancer colonies to grow because baking soda will kill the cells before they have a chance to grow.

Instead of artificially injecting insulin and thereby forcing blood sugar levels to then inject toxic Chemo-agents, we combine sugar with bicarbonate and serve it to the cancer cells.

This treatment is a combination of pure, 100% maple syrup and baking soda and was first announced on the Cancer Tutor site. When mixed and heated together, maple syrup and baking soda bond into one. Maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15 times more sugar than normal cells). This is how baking soda is introduced into the cancer cell by maple syrup.

The standard protocol that was listed for this alternative treatment is as follows (to be discussed with your holistic practitioner)!  

    1. Mix 3 parts organic maple syrup with 1 part aluminum-free baking soda (such as Bob's Red Mill Baking Soda)
    2. Stir with low heat (not over 120 degrees) for 10 minutes
    3. Take 3 teaspoons per day for 1 to 2 months.
    4. It is important to exclude the following from patients' diet: meat / sugar / white flour

Baking soda is very alkaline and quickly changes the pH, killing the cells in this way.

The actual formula is to mix one part baking soda with three parts (pure, 100%) maple syrup in a small saucepan. Stir the syrup by heating the mixture for 5 minutes. Take 1 teaspoon daily at first, but you could do this several times a day increasing the dose gradually.

It can cure any tumor
homemade, natural treatment for cancer tumor, cancer, with baking soda and maple syrup
"There is not a possible tumor on this God's earth that cannot be removed with a little baking soda and maple syrup." This is an amazing statement of folk healer Jim Kelmon. He states that this simple home remedy can stop and reverse the deadly growth of cancer.

His loyal patients say he is a miracle worker. "Dr. Jim cured me of lung cancer," said farmer Ian Rodhouse. "The other doctors told me I was a passenger and had less than six months to live. But the doc taught me this mixture and in a few months the cancer was gone. I didn't even undergo X-rays."

Dr. Jim discovered this treatment by accident sometime in the middle of the last century when he was treating a family attacked by breast cancer. There were five sisters in the family, and four of them died of breast cancer.

He asked the only remaining sister if there was anything different about her diet. She told him she was addicted to maple syrup and soda. Since then, according to a newspaper in Asheville, North Carolina, Dr. Jim has administered this drug to more than 200 people diagnosed with late-stage (deadly) cancer. Of these, 185 lived at least another 15 years, and nearly half enjoyed complete remission of their disease.

When combined with other safe and effective treatments, such as transdermal magnesium therapy, iodine, vitamin C, probiotics and other elements, as well as good sun exposure, clean water and clay treatments, even higher remission rates should be expected. .

Oxygen is the key to cancer treatment
homemade, natural treatment for cancer tumor, cancer, with baking soda and maple syrup
Otto Warburg discovered the root cause of all forms of cancer. He won two Nobel Prizes fifty years ago for his work proving that cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen in the cells. He stated in The Root Causes and Prevention of Cancer: "The cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs when a cell receives less than 60% of the oxygen it needs.

Kombucha capsules
Shiitake capsules 

Cancer, more than any other disease, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one root cause. Summarized in a few words, the main cause of cancer is the replacement of oxygen intake in the normal cells of the body by the fermentation of sugar." This is the only difference between cancer cells and normal cells. That is why Dr. Förster's products recommend Kombucha Capsules and Capsules Shiitake , as effective in the fight against cancer.

Looking at cancer in this light, it makes sense to dramatically increase cellular oxygen levels and help detoxify the body so more cells remain supplied with oxygen.

This is used in medical laboratories. When they want the cells to grow, they decrease the oxygen, when they want to stop, they increase the oxygen again.

This treatment works because cancer cells love sugar, so they lap up the maple syrup and thus the baking soda enters the cancer cell unhindered. Baking soda is like cyanide for cancer cells because it hits them with a shock wave of alkalinity, allowing far more oxygen to enter them than they can handle. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen.

Even prophylactically, we can take 1 teaspoon of this mixture daily. The key to heating the mixture is to put it on a very, very low temperature. Otherwise, the maple syrup burns out and tastes terrible. But if you heat it very slightly, stirring for 5 minutes until the two ingredients are well mixed, then the taste is quite nice. This mixture certainly cannot harm you. 100% pure maple syrup is also very beneficial.
homemade, natural treatment for cancer tumor, cancer, with baking soda and maple syrup

homemade, natural treatment for cancer tumor, cancer, with baking soda and maple syrup
In the video you can see how easy it is to prepare the mixture yourself. Mix 1 teaspoon of organic maple syrup (or molasses ) with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Fill the glass with water and stir the mixture at a low temperature (no more than 45o C) for 5 minutes for better dissolution. Take daily for 1-2 months. Gradually increase the frequency. Do not exceed two teaspoons of baking soda. That much is shown in the video, but this is after a long and gradual dose increase.
"Soda should be taken on an empty stomach - 20-30 minutes before a meal (it should not be immediately after a meal, the effect may be opposite) It starts with small doses - 1/4 teaspoon, gradually increasing the dose to ½ teaspoon. Soda can be dissolved in a glass of hot boiled water or taken in dry form, the test must be with hot water.
If the taste is unpleasant, then you have burnt the mixture, which can easily happen. However, it is important not to use baking soda from aluminum packaging. It is important not to overdo it with soda, in large quantities it can kill you. For a 100% effect, you also need to change your lifestyle. Read more (English) Asian Cancer Treatment with Mushrooms Kombucha Capsules and Shiitake Capsules are used in Asia to treat cancer. The lentinian, which is found in the Shiitake mushroom , is a moderator of the biological reaction that strengthens the action of the immune system against cancer, improves the action of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, respectively increases the production of interleukin-1, the substance that directly fights against malignant agents. Lentil modifies cells so that they resist the colonization and spread of cancer cells in the lungs. Shiitake mushroom polysaccharides accelerate the growth of "natural killers" - the NK cells that kill invading viruses. They are the body's best defense against viruses and cancer cells.   You can order kombucha capsules  and  Shiitake capsules at the address indicated on the page.

Chinese  Energy Cancer Treatment

There is a hospital in China that routinely melts malignant tumors using a 5,000-year-old healing practice called Qi Gong (Chi-gong). Energy healers melt a patient's tumor while doctors monitor the procedure in real time with a CT scanner. Since 1980, the Center has treated more than 135,000 patients.

Today, the stress energy in the body that causes cancer can be scanned. The Quantum Wand clears this energy, removing the very cause of this dangerous disease. Read more aboutthe Quantum Stickand how it works. In our family and many of our acquaintances, we use it successfully for all kinds of problems. In cases where I have used the energy pen on cancer patients I have been able to feel how concentrated, heavy and massive this toxic energy is in their body. Yes, it will take longer to draw, but understand, it is energy and it can be corrected withKantian Energy Healing.

organic cancer treatment naturopathy cancer how to cure cancer herbal treatment baking soda for cancer

What else to do:
homemade, natural treatment for cancer tumor, cancer, with baking soda and maple syrup
Take quality supplements of antioxidants , vitamins and minerals . We recommend Dr. Förster 's products . You

must change your diet by not taking meat and especially no sugar!!! Stop coffee and alcohol. Do not use white flour.

Stop the stagnant and depressed life. Surround yourself with beauty, positivity . Go out into nature and start exercising . Once the pH in your body is changed, the abundant oxygen will quickly eliminate the cancer. It is good to start Yoga breathing exercises and meditation. Read more:  Every form of Cancer is treated in 2-3 weeks


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