How traditional Chinese medicine helps fight COVID-19 Coronavirus

How traditional Chinese medicine helps fight COVID-19

Don't try pharmacy medicine for Coronavirus doctors worn It may have side effects. On the other side, traditional medicine has no side effects and definitely will bust your immune system which will surely help. And as we know vaccines do not heal or protect. The immune system is protecting.

In addition, now scientists say there are better ways to build antibodies than vaccines. The good news is that this was shown on one of the main News TV in the UK. The same day in the newspaper there was an article with many doctors advertising traditional ways of healing the symptoms of Coronavirus.

Finally, there is hope for the truth about healing to come out. For as we know Secular medicine is not really healing and there is not even a vaccine for the previous version of the Coronavirus. And as we see in this video China is already researching options for the Traditional way of Healing the Coronavirus.

4000 Doctors from China, who served on the front lines in the fight against coronavirus pandemic, share their experience of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) with U.S. experts via a conference call on Wednesday. TCM has been proven effective in the treatment of an increasing number of COVID-19 cases in China, showing that the ancient system of healing plays a complementary role to western medicine in fighting the infection.

I will definitely advise using vitamins and supplements, like garlic and Omega 3. It has an incredible effect. But for sure you have to learn energy healing. It has incredible power over any disease.  

Energy Healing Works on Covid-19

A healer was sharing how she got aware that the virus was conscious that you can negotiate with. When she did that the next day the person was healed.

For e as energy healer virus is not important but the energy of it and the spirit behind. So I sense the energy and I correct it. Raising your vibrations will make any viruses inactive. That switches off the virus. Then I pray for the liberation of those spirits and the liberation of God's Heart.

The strange thing with Coronavirus is that it doesn't work as a normal sickness. The lymphs are not activated. Instead, I find some energy in the chests which seems more mechanical. Very similar to the damage made in a cloud with the new wether technologies but on a smaller scale.

Working on people who had such strong pain in the chest and difficulty breathing - it took me minutes to remove that energy from them. The pain never returned again.

Looking from the viewpoint of Returning Resurrection - 2020 allows low demonic spirits from Hell to return for resurrection. They return with the vehicle of this virus. Their energy is fear. They were unable to breathe in the spirit world because of not being developed enough spiritually. Love and prayer will definitely help the be liberated and you'll get free too.

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