"Vaccination is 100 times more dangerous than the virus! It overwrites your original, God given, program."

The British Medical Journal says that repeated evaluation of the vaccines shows not 90 but 19 % effectiveness. But the negative effect can be very high. 

This genetic modification injection does not even prevent future infections. It's RNA program that overnights your original, God given, program. That causes hyper-reaction of your immune system, that can actually kill you. 

"This genetically manipulating vaccine is a very potential vehicle for a mass depopulation." Former vice president of Pfizer

Oh, we gonna immunize everybody, even though we have no study on animals or humans to show what are the consequences. It's your choice, trust those money thirsty Cartels, or trust God. 

They convinced us that we can’t protect ourselves and thus created a monopoly of power; that we can’t take care of our health on our own in order to create a health monopoly.
To hide their eugenic ideology they hide behind pharma and a kind of greedy puppet-science without any ethics.. everything for money. But now huge court-cases started around the world. 

"Natural immunity is many times stronger and lasts for a further longer time than any vaccine you have to take again and again and again, without knowing what you actually take and with many much more dangerous secondary effects." Ongoing Court Hearings

NEWS: We know now that all the danger like mutations and variants come and are created by vaccines and vaccinated, all vaccinated should be isolated from the normal living. 

Do you believe in God or in Big Pharma?

HOW VAST SPREAD IS THIS SATANIC CABAL to be able to Lock the whole humanity with a fake pandemic? Governments, Media, Medicine and Big Tech... all involved in that criminal scam. See more...

We should "reject the world view that we are all perpetually diseased unless we inject ourselves with endless toxic injections from the day we are born."

Big Pharma will be gone completely

Hospitals will not be needed. MedBeds will heal mostly everything. So there will be Clinics and places for emergency. Med Beds can heal everything, do surgery, rejuvenate your body and DNA. But only if you didn't take these Vaccines that cause genetic mutations. That's irreversible. That is no longer your original DNA, so Med Beds cannot help. 

The Earth is not overpopulated. Only the big cities are. And also the space travel is coming. So population growth is no problem at all. So many people will use Med Beds to regress their age. People will leave healthy old age years. 

Plan is to open the Med Beds for the public from this year, but such plans failed many times in the past. So let's see. Pray for God's will be fulfilled. 

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