Who is Poisoning our Food, Medicine and Life

JUST IN: Sat-Sun 7-8 August a major sweep of Cabal arrests started by World Court mandate. Trump and the Military must be finished by Wed. They are activating Militaries and then bombing all of these Satanic, Luciferian landmarks. 25 Aug. Trump signed formal release of Prosperity Packages. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild. All conflicts that you see around the world are for purposes of bringing in the Military, as planed. 

US Supreme Court: Covid Vaccines are Criminal

"Arrests are immanent for all crimes against humanity. All of those who conspired with the pandemic in cohesion with the Deep State in all countries." Nuremberg Code 

TOP NEWS: Robert F. Kennedy Jr filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court to end universal vaccinations in the United States and he won the case! (See) He argued that "the mRNA vaccines interfere with the patient’s genetic material and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which is genetic manipulation, that is already prohibited and is considered a crime." 

Exclusive Footage! Kids Dead & Dying at Political Mass Murder Stadium in Australia (Video) Two boys and one girl died directly on the spot by these experimental injections.

JUST IN: Germany halts all Covid-19 Vaccines, saying they are unsafe and no longer recommended. There has been a 2 week pause so they can reflect on the damages being caused to their people. No one can get it and the vaccine license has been put on pause. More and more countries will follow.

Singapore's Ministry of Health: Covid is Global Hoax 

Singapore’s Ministry of Health sent home all Covid patients (14,000) in one day, because they found that Imromac is curing them. (Video) Doctors in Singapore discovered that the disease was a global hoax, “It’s nothing but intravescular coagulation (blood clots) and the method os treatment is simple. Ventilators and intensive cure were never needed. And the vaccines are only increasing the chance of blood clots, increasing the risk instead of healing it.  

In agreement to that, the CDC Director Rochelle Walensky warns of Increased Risk of Severe Disease Amongst Those Vaccinated Early:

"Additionally, reports from our international colleagues, including Israel, suggest increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early." (Video)

 The wrong treatment was done on purpose to increase the deaths and thus give excuse for the Vaccination, which gave them profit of tens of billions. Vaccines were increasing the cases and creating new variants, thus giving them excuse to sell new booster Vaccines. A vicious and evil cycle that would bring them hundreds of billions profit. This is the biggest crime against humanity that will soon bring many participants in front of Military Court and International Tribunals. 

20,595 dead, 1.9 Million injured (50% seriously) reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for Covid-19 shots. (That's only small percentage of the real situation, and just the beginning)

The Roots of this Crime

Did you know that there is an alliance between the food and drug administration, the pharmaceutical companies, the pesticide and chemical companies, destroying the small farmers and producing the food that we ingest. 

Fluoride and Aluminum in the water. Did you know that Sodium Fluoride is the principle ingredient of the rat poison, causing stroke, brain damage, dementia, and damage the fetuses, and various forms of cancer. Why is it in our water? This is all running back to these Zionists (Rokefeler - Rothschilds). (Video)

The Petrol and Banking Magnates Behind Big Pharma

Is this FIAT System fair and not demonic?  You have all been brainwashed for years and years by Operation Mockingbird & Paperclip. 

The Systems that have been in place since 1870 are run by people who HATE GOD.  Anti GOD people Big Pharma poisoning you since 1870  = Zionist Rothschilds Central Banking Fiat = Zionist 1917. Court/Judiciary System Zionist. 

Their Ideology is Satanism

See the Khazarian (Canaanite) Satanism practicing origin of this bloodlines for thousands of years. Think Fallen Angels damming and genetically modifying humanity in order to dominate it. 

BREAKING: Irish Government Admits COVID-19 is a Fake Hoax Scam which DOES NOT EVEN EXIST (1)

PENTAGON radiologist spoke-person explains the Covid link to radiation poisoning. (2) And now we have their plan in action to decimate the human race with experimental spike protein vaccine injections, when it is known that the spike protein itself is the poisonous toxin causing Covid symptoms and death. (2a)

See the SpaceForce destroying 5G in Italy. (Video)

This Pandemic was Planed for More Than 20 Years

Their original plans was to kill and enslave humanity through 5 years of torture, full lockdowns, martial LAWS, mental psychological ops and [MSM] EXTREME EXTREME FAKE DEATH COVERAGES WORLD WIDE - MOCKINGBIRD.

"All vaccinated have been chipped and are being tracked." Situation Update

Much of the vaccines
are [FAKE] saline.. But many are real and laced with mRNA and deadly compounds... That's why they keep wanting you to take more and more vaccines to insure sickness and death and biotechnology engineering control - In it's first Stages.

Nurse claims 30% of all vaccinated have had the placebo. (Video)

You are in the hardest part of the PLAN! Where everything is intensifying, growing quickly on both sides of the War... AT ALL COST YOU JUST REJECT THE VACCINES! (See, Victim testimony)

The Good Side is Winning

You don't see the data but the Rage growing is true! Many vaxed people are growing Angry. they are being told to take more and more vaccines. "Take the vaccines to regain freedom" was a lie. Millions, lawyer's, doctors, nurses, WHITE HATS, high ranking officials, Military personal, Truth Speakers, Podcasters are all doing their part in EXPOSING the truth of the scamdemic. But military can not step in till most people turn against the System.

THIS WORLD EVENT was to happen so the people of the world will never again let medical tyranny be again controlled by the World BANKING Masters and ELITES who controlled and created all Wars and poverty the past Thousand years... These same CABAL control the bioweapons that was released, control the DEEP STATE GOVERNMENTS that control pedophilia rings, drug smuggling, distribution and sales.. Human trafficking networks...

PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL. Disinformation is necessary. We are dismantling the WW mafia cabal. Expect this to be complex and confusing. Trust the plan.

The intel says, it's all done. Cabal is down. Even Australia and New Zealand were long ago liberated. The craziness now is all for awaking the people. How weird it has to become before they realize it's craziness? 

The Corrupt System is Way Deeper

John McAfee said: "The reason the government wanted to cash me in 2012 was because... I found out that the Minister of Defense was the biggest drug trafficker in all of Central America. The Minister of Immigration, the biggest trafficker." Full interview

Anger is building world wide. The forced vaccination is a TRIGGER. 

McDonalds CANNIBALISM, Feeding You Human Meat since 1940. =Satanist/Zionist. See this video, Vaccines, cosmetics, food, beverages... they all use ABORTED babies cells and body parts. 

In the Market for Fetal Body Parts, a Baby’s Brain Sells for $3,340 “It is just horrifying,” (3) Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., who leads the House’s investigation of the fetal tissue industry, told The Daily Signal. “They are putting a dollar value on these organs from these children—unborn children that have been aborted. It is just beyond belief.”

Why do we see these images of Military taking care for babies and supplying diаpers and baby food? (Photo) Think saving children from child trafficking. 

Child Sex Trafficking in US

Missing children per year:
Spain 20,000
France 39,000
Brazil 40,000
Mexico 45,000
Canada 50,000
Germany 100,000
UK 230,000
USA 800,000

Why Internet cannot eliminate child pornography, but can censor, block, and delete all facts calling them "Conspiracy theories." How are they involved? TV/MainStream Media/Magazines/Hollywood/Musicians = Satanist/Zionist.

CBC News: Jewish Rabbi and Mayors Arrested For Selling And Harvesting Organs (4)

See a list of UK elites involved in Satanic ritual abuse (5) 10 * CONVICTED * cases of Satanic Ritual Abuse in UK. (6) Number of documentaries and court cases of the Royal family involvement. It's bigger than you think! 

There are 3 POPE/S Black/Grey/White. What were they involved in? LUCIFERS TEMPLE - INSIDE THE VATICAN? Now you know why they rape hundreds of thousands of children all over the world. Archbishop Milingo told us about the practice of Satanism within the Vatican. 

The End of this War is Near


It seems like the floods & tsunamis are on a global tour & they are covering every single area of our planet right now. Both sides are operating within this high-tech Storm.

HAARP = Floods, Storms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Droughts
TECTONIC = Earthquake, Volcanos, Tsunamis
DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) = Energy Laser, Microwave & Particle Beams = Fires
RODS OF GOD (Space Force / Kinetic Energy Weapon) = Explosions
BIOWEAPONS = Sars, V!rus, Convid/Variants & VQZ
CYBERATTACKS = Food, Gas, Transportation, Supply Shortages
CIVIL UNREST = Riots, Race War, CRT, Mockingbird Media

The war is coming to an END soon. The TRUTH will all be REVEALED.

[THEY] been trying for weeks to TRIGGER Tsunamis. this_EVENTS are in their cards. [They] are just getting started with Weather weapons!!! More FLOODS, TORNADOES, Hurricanes, [TSUNAMIS] 

In this video you can see how Direct Energy Weapons DEW start fires. Who is doing that? Why is this attack on the people? 

See this video: This has never happened. It's not natural. Water coming from the sky. Filling up the dams. Flooding the D.U.M.B.S and Tunnelsystems WORLDWIDE 


See this images and this video of the genetic experimental mutations that are found in the underground bases. Horrifying! 

Click to see the digging of the underground tunnels under the Capital Hill in Washington DC. The whole are was taken by soldiers and cleaning continued for several months now. DC is shut down; White House and Capital Heal are abandoned. (7) Who is governing us and from where? 

Much of the Cabal is Already Taken

2017-2020 the military had pretty much taken out much of the cabal. So far, 2.7 million executions were carried out. We are "watching a movie" at this point.

Underground bases around the globe are now clean and under control. Moving forward with Revelations to Humanity. After this event, we will have a lot of work to heal and transform our planet. The Golden Age will soon unleash.

The new quantum system was accepted by 90 out of the 100 central banks. It allows transfer of money from country to country in seconds. No charge and no interference by the banks. Total protection by the Space Force. Crime and corruption will become impossible. All nations participating sign no war agreement. 

North Korea's Liberation

North Korea was one of the first to sign up the agreement. So don't worry about the Korean Reunification. Once North Korea was liberated from the Deep State it was ready and willing to cooperate and is now actively helping the White Hats in ending the Satanic Cabal. As we read in the last Fulford report:

A top CIA source in Asia also confirms the Chinese government's claims that North Korea is a secret US colony. "The North Korean leadership speaks English better than most Americans," he said. North Korea has been used as an excuse to sell weapons in East Asia and as a plausible excuse to start a war, he said. Reunification of the Korean Peninsula is now possible, he added, confirming what sources at Japan's three-legged Crow secret society say.

The Future is Bright

The first thing Trump will do when restored into power is to abolish the income tax. With the QFS money system you cannot steal or do fraud. Everything is tracked. GESARA/NESARA will get rid of the Federal Reserve and IRS. Some reports are coming that already some IRS buildings are being closed in US. 

I have no much idea what to make of this, but many talk of Enacting GESARA funds and rebuilding the earth. All 7.6 billion people in 253 countries are to benefit from that: 

According to the Peace and Prosperity Act each individual on earth should receive 6 Million Dollars equivalent of gold, (to end world poverty and slavery, human trafficking and the sex slave industries). (Video)

How much of all this is true is up to you to research and find out. Hopefully soon we will know. But this is the last intel I have received. I hope the victory of the good-side it true. I believe in God, so I believe in the bright future. Pray, pray, pray! Here is what Dr. Young said in this regard:

“True Parents, as a parents of mankind, they want all benefits to be distributed evenly and equally to all mankind around the world. True Parents on behalf of our Heavenly Parent hope that all mankind will receive the benefit of technology, economic leveling (equalization), education leveling, and spiritual salvation leveling. They teach us that we cannot form One Family Under God unless we live for each other.” Dr. Yong, 304 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for sharing Yulian!. I have not heard of US Supreme Court and Singapore. I have a lot of experience on the subject of poisoning our food, medicines, etc. I am overcoming autoimmune disease and helping others to heal, caused by heavy metals in vaccines and the poison in food and water. The immune system can become saturated and feel overwhelmed fighting off so much toxicity.


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