CIG Update / 1 Oct 2022
"UK Gov. quietly published a report confirming that the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for a shocking 94% of all Covid-19 deaths in April and May 2022, with the unvaccinated accounting for just 6% of all Covid-19 deaths."
Modern wars are becoming different from the classic understanding of war. In the WWI they didn't know the machine gun existed, so they kept running and running towards it. Millions were killed before they found out. But out days the war is led by viruses created in bio-labs and electro-magnetic frequencies that can be triggered to wipe out a specific gene. For example:
The W.H.O. Gave 50 Million Smallpox Vaccines laced with Aids to Africans. On May 11, 1987, London Times Headline Reported
Now we start learning the horrifying facts about the Covid Vaccines:
- After approval of the Covid Vaccines for kids in Europe, the increase in excess deaths was 755%.
- Pfizer mRNA Spike Protein Found in Deceased Man’s Brain and Heart: Peer-Reviewed Reported
- The CDS now quietly admits that the Vaccines were far more dangerous than Covid itself.
All of these facts were once explicitly labeled 'False'. Now the same guys are quietly telling us it was actually 'True'. Wow!
Just look at the negative effect of 5G on the nature and the collapsing people from the Experimental Covid Vaccines.
Only among athletes, people with excellent physiques, in the prime of their powers... the cases of such collapses after Experimental injections approach 2000. There are also hundreds of pilots. We see clips of dozens of TV presenters collapsing mid-broadcast.
Scientists explain that these injections are 'ticking bombs'... many of the side effects are set to start 2.5, 10 and even 40 years later. They state that they have never seen a non-vaccinated get cancer. Doctors say that non-vaccinated children are much healthier and have incredibly good immune systems. They do not have Down syndrome.
- In UK one in 480 vaccinated people died within a month.
- The lowest mortality rates are among those who are not vaccinated.
- This Vaccine killed more American people in a year than the entire Vietnam war
God made our immune system perfect, but this outside interference only confuses and blocks it. After all, they have to make money. And that's how they make billions. But on our backs. And the problem is that with these billions they buy and control the politicians, the media, medicine and education. Definitely not in our favor.
What Jacob Rothschild says about vaccines:
Universal vaccination programs not only open the door to controlling behavior by modifying and enhancing genes… [Vaccines] are the most unified and compatible psychological weapons ever created to control human behavior…
A year ago, I reported on Bill Gates' speech, proposing VACCINES TO ELIMINATE THE GOD GENE. The Satanists believed that "Lucifer is god and the only way to take this realm for themselves is to change all of God's creations." This is a war. And the gene altering vaccines were the only way for them to win that war.
A book from 1989 reveals the plan. Operation Lockstep - From the Rockefeller Playbook:
1st Phase: "Cold/Flue... Media creates mass paranoia and fear. Flawed testing, inflated Covid numbers... Lockdown... bring draconian measures."2nd Phase: "Compromise the immune system with masks, lack of contact with sunlight... Exposure to 5G radiation. Effects will be blamed on Covid."3rd Phase: "If people resist the Vaccine, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people will die from that. The Vaccinated will be at war with the nonvaccinated. It will be anarchy from all sides."
The very same people, with such evil thinking and planning were manufacturing wars, famine, sicknesses, depressions, taxation and more. I include important historic facts down in this report. But what's important to understand is that the elite of this world is governed by Satan. As Father Moon explained, this evil is not in the human nature.
''Human beings are inherently heartistic beings, so they are not meant to be controlled by others. That's because no matter what they do, they always do it from the heart.'' Sun Myung Moon
As Fulford reported, ''we are getting more and more public acknowledgments that what is really going on is a battle against "fallen angels". Our own esoteric sources have told us that we are witnessing the end of a war that has raged for many thousands of years against satanic forces making their final stand on this planet. That's why the land is under quarantine.''
"The KM puppeteers do their best to communicate with the fallen angels - the satanic entities," agrees a Mossad source. "CERN now admits they are communicating with 'SUBJECTS' on the other side," confirms author Anthony Patch. [Video]
To see how evil their plans go, see this video describing the Federal push of Transgender in schools. Punishing parents for opposing by removing their kids from them. Aiming to legalize kids to have sex with adults. How much more obvious for you it should be, that the super elite, governing the world are Satan worshiping pedophiles?
Using Medicine to Kill
Vaccination are a time bomb: 1936 research says, "We never found a case of Cancer in a non-vaccinated person." Doctors found that vaccines attack the Immune System 5 years, 10 or 40 years later.
And do you know why they pushed so much abortion? "Aborted fetuses are worth about a quarter of a million each. They were being traded amongst the 'Hollywood set'... the so called 'Global Elite.' They extracted the Adrenochrome from the fetus after electrocuting it."
Study shows 97% of Chemotherapy does not work, yet doctors get huge incentives to push you on it. In fact, this is the killer. Destroys a person within weeks. But now gets even scarier, Vaccines are now used to change your gene. (Video)
The Whether Engineering / People Relocation Programs
It's not just creating a hurricane with seeding. It is also an ocean relocation program. Taking water from one place and sending it somewhere to create floods and problems. But they make big profits from creating these natural disasters. The problem now is that the funding from the Rothschilds didn't come.
Red Cross was a money laundering organization for another organization with red cross in their logo - the Templers.
It's people's relocation. Like in hurricane Michael they sold all the territory to the Chinese, planning to build resort complex and relocate all the people living there. Ukraine is also people's relocation program, and the Red Cross makes millions from organ harvesting, killing even lightly injured, just to fill up the norms. This is insanity. This program has to stop.
Day after the hurricane, FEMA teams in boats come checking for people to be rescued, only to take the people out of the house and go in and steal money, jеulery, guns and anything else of value.
At the same time, FEMA hospital ships, which are in fact prison ships, with torture rooms, follow the storm - capturing people and bringing them aboard. The Cabal was creating disasters, because it was easy for them to make people and children disappear. Reportedly, now in Florida, the Special Forces are taking them out and arresting those FEMA teams.
What about the Terrorists, like the Talibans. All is a psyop, paid mercenaries, programmed by the CIA, infiltrated and divided groups in a country tossed back and forth by a few "nations", used as a training ground and treasure chest at the same time. Why? The conspiracy is to guard opium fields, regulate drug use.
What is Changing Now
What we experience right now is an Internal War within the Cabal Controlling the World. After Lucifer was removed from his position in 1999, his top leadership on earth started losing their grip and dying. Murdock, who was in the top position transferring Lucifer's will to the lower structures also died. Since his passing, the Order of the Black Sun and the Dragon Families seems to be at odds. Both want to be on top.
"But in June of this year they both partnered together, because neither one was achieving their objectives." Kimberly Goguen
Part of these forces now play the role of White Hat - Military Alliance. While exposing how this Cabal was working, they are also supposedly preparing to gradually take control of all the layers of this vast spiderweb. The warning is:
''All governors, every politician, every public servant, every police officer, every journalist, every priest... those of you have been on the wrong side of this, whether knowingly or not, you have one last chance. Because after the end of October there will be no more amnesty. This is the time to decide whether you stand with the people or the criminals. There is no amnesty after October.'' 10:53 min
According to sources, Russian, Chinese and other specialists entered the US through Mexico to help US special forces hunt down and destroy the remaining КM leaders and their strongholds in North America. We are seeing signs that the Mexican government has joined the alliance for planetary liberation. Italy's new government is already aligned with Russia and the Planetary Liberation Alliance.
According to Russian intelligence, "Between now and 2023, КM will launch a large-scale weather warfare campaign that will be blamed on 'climate change.' That is coming as response to them losing the war in Ukraine.
Seize Full Control of CNN and Expose the Deep State Mockingbird Operations
Tha plan of seizing CNN and removing top board members and leaders is part of a bigger plan. The Military Alliance was working on obtaining the old Deep State CIA power structures (Mockingbird Operations) of Discovery, Worner Brothers and CNN.
The next step is to remove the Board Members legally as they are protected by Power houses of High Elite attorneys who have direct ties to US Attorney General's and Federal court Judges who take direction from the Globalist Elites, including Rockefellers.
How many countries do you think CNN took part in to start CIA propaganda to overthrow governments? Tha Alliance needs to clean up all the servers, computers, data, accounts that hold all the keys to FBI, CIA. All the illegal ops in the CNN world networks connected to World Money Laundering, Inside Trading, Bribery, Color Revolutions etc. Expect CNN to start a world campaign of giving amazing drops and get back to real journalism in 2023.
The newest moves observed in the world today:
We are winning in so many different ways. It's so hard to keep up with the information. We are making moves that are world altering, right now.
As we go through this process of removing the Deep State, we are scorching them out militarily, financially and starving them out economically. We are obliterating them in the narrative space. Eviscerating their lies. We are discovering the connections that they have hidden for decades in just days.
It seems like their plan is to soon shut down the ITMs and provoke a run on the Banks. Meanwhile China is already establishing its Police force in US and Canada, preparing for takeover. And they did declare that at the end they will buy the West for cents on the dollar. Looks like it's happening:
1. "The three major world currencies... the Euro, US Dollar, and UK Pound are now equal to each other." In my previous report I explained the reason for that equalization. See, THE FALSE RULE IS OVER
2. As of Tues. 13 Sept. the Federal Reserve and their Central Banks were bankrupt, allowing fiat currency to fail worldwide... and create a total collapse of the Global Financial System. India Banks were closed for the next 30 days. Some US banks were also not allowing withdrawers.
3. Hollywood was empty. Actors, producers are reportedly executed at GITMO over 18 months ago. The report is that even the church leaders were executed there for what they were involved in. But how can we know. For sure we could see many of their properties were up for sale. We kind of notice that many are gone or replaced with CGI. But not sure why!
From what we hear, they are glad to have them gone, for they can make movies with their CGI image. Just as Bruce Willis. Meaning, transition to Digital actors. The real ones are no longer needed. As we have noticed in the last years, they no longer need even real-living politicians. CGI or masked actors do the job just fine.
4. The collapse of Europe and world countries begin fast; Pakistan collapse, Shri Lanka 70% inflation, Venezuela - 75%, Yemen inside economic collapse, Slovakia economy in collapse. more than 27 countries around the World inside a collapse. Bangladesh's national power grid collapses. What is going on?
5. Blackrock and Vanguard have both declared Bankruptcy. The banks are collapsing. And hopefully the New World Order is collapsing. If not, they are behind this and will buy everything for pennies. And here goes our freedom.Are Countries Joining to Stop This
1. "Russia and China are joining the UK in rejecting the fake Covid pandemic," TASS also announced. 200-meter building of China Telecom was on fire today in the city of Changsha. (V1) This way the Chinese have signaled to the world that they know they are under 5G electromagnetic attack and are responding by destroying the infrastructure involved.
In the UK, Mark Steele, a weapons expert, told a parliamentary committee that the 5G network is a weapon of military technology used to find and neutralize targets through radar scanning.
2. The US Space Force announced that it would take over the Department of Defense's military satellite communications. This is the first time that all military satellite communications will be managed by a single agency.
More bad news for BlackRock: The State of Louisiana is taking away all of its Treasury funds. Louisiana pulls nearly 800 mln out of BlackRock.
In a matter of weeks, we had all these historic happenings. See my previous report about the collapse of the Banks and Governments. Downfall of the owning the world corporations, like Blackrock. Elimination of the last standing top Black Sun Generals.
"Compare that with other financial issues that Britain has had... this is the first time that government had worked against the Bank... I would say, anyone with any serious money is pulling out of England" Simon Parkes
I guess the plan is to first abolish the Banking Mafia which created the medical crime toxic-petrol-pharma industry and then naturally reform the Medicine, Education and the Political system into something more human friendly, aligned with God's universal principles.
The War Has Been Won
The cleaning of underground basis is now complete. The War with the Cabal is already clear. Black Sun Cult just lost all its banking infrastructure, and Vatican's money magically disappeared.
"The Treasury was audited. It failed its audit and has been taken over. All banks are switching to the Quantum Financial System QFS." "Banks underwent 6 months of training for the transfer." "The servers are protected by the Space Force."
After reviewing the Federal Reserve files, they found $800 trillion sitting in accounts that should have been applied to the national debt. Appears that the money collected by taxation far exceeded the official numbers. Now that their servers are being overtaken the shocking truth is coming out.
"The Order of the Black Sun lost its infrastructure on 29 of Sept. All of their AB Corps systems went down. Their tags into the banking system were removed," Kimberly reported.
Something strange also happened to the Vatican money, collected from all over the world. In the morning they woke up with just 582 thousand Euros. Thus, they were unable to fulfill their obligation to the new Digital Currency system.
While the War's outcome is already clear, Michael Sala remarked, "the Deep State, like the Nazis before, is prolonging the war to destroy lies and infrastructure in an act of malice." (1) But the so long expected news he gave was,
"I can report that the Federation's duties in regard to cleaning and clearing underground basis is now complete." (2) "I can confirm that the War Underground had been won and extraterrestrials (the evil spiritual beings) have been removed by force from the planet." (3)
When we will see mass media putting out genuine information of what is happening?
"The time frame, I cannot disclose, but will not take long. It is an active operation... I can disclose that the Earth Alliance has been given the technology and the tools to create an internet system that is beneficial." (4)
Humanity has entered the final countdown to the final defeat of the Deep State Satanic Cabal. We have entered the decisive faze. And have may not have to wait too long to see the results and the unveiling of a bright future.
This Program has to Stop
"Do not come and tell me that you are running a humanitarian program while killing thousands of people... at the same time. That is not a humanitarian." Kimberley
Countries have been removed, renamed, split in half, making sure they always fight each other. This is nothing new. All done by the same Generals that are now vanishing, Kim explained. "This is not going to continue... change or you are not going to be with us anymore. If you think you gonna get budget for these plans, you are wrong. The order is broken. It's time to move down or move out to meet your maker. Choose wisely!"
Dissolve the Royals / Knights of Malta dissolved / Crown Corporation Bankrupt / Fed Bankrupt
The Vatican also removed all Rothschild / Rockefeller etc control. from September 30.
3 Masonic lodges were burnt down in Greater Vancouver, Canada just yesterday.
In 5 years, we went from total Cabal controlled world to a White Hat controlled world today. Those of us who observe, see that they replaced numerous of leaders, and removed many others. But in reality, we have no idea what are they going to do once in power. The only thing we know for sure, is that they themselves were part of the Cabal, and that they use many of the manipulative Cabal methods. I personally never liked that.
On one side they are making us believe in a promising future, freedom, peace, removal of taxation. Meanwhile all the maneuvers they make seem to actually lead to the plan of expanding human enslavement, control and enormous suffering. And wasn't it the transition to Digital Currence, which is the original Deep State plan?
"They think that they are working for freedom. They think that they are going to break a system, and you are not. What you're doing is, you are participating in a program where one group that has dominated the planet... for a long, long time has become your enemy, and your bosses are aiming to dominate the earth, instead of the other tyranny." Kimberley
We have to understand one thing. Whatever forces are fighting today for control or liberation of the earth, they are using secret technologies not known to us.
"Sooner or later people will have to realize that most (not all) of the UFO sightings in our skies are the work of man in the military-industrial complex." In direct competition with TKP (secret space program). They have been working on electro-gravity technology since at least the 1950s,” the secretive space force says.
In this age when God will establish true families and that will start his original ideal on earth, Satanic forces worked tirelessly to promote free sex, homosexuality, and transgender. What we have to realize is that the reason the world elite is pushing these agendas is because they are involved in pedophilia and Satanic worshiping. Calculations are that there are at list 40 million pedophiles on earth. Amids all this evil environment God worked tirelessly to raise the foundation for the emergence of true parents and true families.
Good people are now joining in united efforts for Peace
One worldwide organization working steadily for Peace, uniting conscientious people from all walks of life to restore the world with the Culture of Heart, build on the foundation of true and loving families.
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