The greatest medical fraud of all time


Covid-19: Part 6 of many episodes of the greatest medical fraud of all time. About the informants among the health service providers about "Money and Murders in Hospitals".


Money and murders in hospitals. What sounds like a Robin Cook novel is the reality in hospitals around the world. Let's look at eyewitness accounts of heroic health workers who had the courage to step forward and talk about gross negligence, poor medical management and unnecessary deaths…

Money and murders in hospitals… What we showed you in our previous episode was just the tip of the iceberg. Every day countless people die in hospitals around the world, because sacred protocols must be followed at all times! And these protocols kill people, on purpose, for money. Huge amounts of Covid stimuli. What could and should have been used for the benefit of the people has become a deadly depopulation.

But not all health professionals have been able to cope with this insane reality. Their hearts remained faithful to their patients. They fought for their lives, mostly in vain, as they were rejected by other doctors and nurses as soon as their shift was over.

One nurse who openly stepped forward is Erin Marie Olszewska (BSN, RN). An army combat veteran and registered nurse, she worked at Elmhart Hospital (the "epicenter of the epicenters") in New York in March 2020, as a travel nurse during the first so-called Covid-19 wave. The things she saw there terrified her: patients who were brought in for something unrelated to Covid, who even gave negatives, were declared positive! Just because of the money that came in! They were drugged with sedatives and placed on fans, brought in by inexperienced staff and interns.

Many of these patients really come with anxiety because they're all scared, they're worried and reading this, and they're all nervous, so that's what all the people come in and a lot of them are either MedicAid or MediCare, they are poor, they are from the lower class, they were in a state hospital. They need funding. So they take them and tell them that if they don't get on the fan, they probably won't survive. But the reality is that when they get on that fan, they are less likely to get out of the hospital.

So you don't have real doctors who know critical care, I see a doctor on this floor who is a dentist, and there are residents with those… so the residents are essentially students, and those people who are on the ventilators, and these people are essentially as… they are… these residents are… to practice their skills on them. So, they practice center lines, they practice invasive procedures that are really unnecessary.

37 years old, he came in to talk, very horrified, he was just like her completely alert, he knew what was happening and they convinced him to stand on the fan. He is dead now.

I compare this hospital to a third world country. I was in a 3rd world country in Iraq. The Iraqi hospital is better than this.

Many patients died due to the use of incorrect settings by inexperienced operators, leading to the destruction of people's lungs. She witnessed gross negligence.

She described how local doctors refused to discuss treatment with vitamins and hydroxychloroquine, which proved very successful in other hospitals, other states and other countries. Instead, patients were sent to ventilators, where they were left to die. According to Olshevska, all her patients have died, mostly unnecessarily. Relatives were told they had died from Covid-19. Their deaths were used to further falsify statistics, and the media spread lies and kept the real pandemic alive: the Pandemic of Fear.

Olshevska decided to speak, but realized that no one would believe her, so she went undercover and filmed everything.

He came in with a stroke.

I know it was 26-1, stroke.

And without Covid. And now he has covid and is on the fan.

He is not a DNR, but we treat him like a DNR? (DNR = Do not resuscitate)


In other words, when you need resuscitation, they won't do anything. They will let you die.

We know when someone is… we are close, we will download the code card and we will be ready, we are ready. I had Epi ready (epinephrine), that was one of the first things we did, and she wouldn't let me give it. So it was that woman all the time… and it was over, over his body, his living body, and we were arguing, and she was laughing. She smiled smugly. And how this… this man died while the nurses were arguing with the doctors over him while he was dying. And she smiled smugly all the time. It was so… perhaps one of the worst experiences of my life. But all I can think about is that at least he knew we were fighting for him. When he died.

This is wrong

It's straight

This Its wrong

And I was, I'm 37, I've been in the hospital since I was 16.

Military hospitals that will…

I agree with that

aspect of this

was it wrong for you?

I agree that there was

Calling the patient

DNR, when there is no order for that, and you tell us… as if you were telling us: "You will not do anything"

This is wrong

If it was my brother, or my father, or someone else, I would be furious and I guarantee you that if I called his family right now and told them what happened, they would be furious too.

I turned around and everyone was crying. There are many nurses who know this is wrong but are afraid to say anything in public.

-What killed him… did… the fan kill him?

Yes, oh, yes! They are so calm (with sedatives). You probably have 8 or 9 drops. It's all sedation. It's all sedation and paralysis. So you're sleeping, basically like you're in surgery. They put you that way. For a whole month. There is no way to recover from something like this.

She later wrote a book, "An Undercover Nurse: How Deception, Negligence, and Greed Caused Unnecessary Deaths at Elmhurst Hospital."

This happened during her last working day…

I have been caring for a patient for about a week now. This is my **********, that's what I called him. And he's doing well. They put a tracheal tube in him and… I'm doing well. He talked as if he were talking to me, laughing at my jokes. And talking to his children at Facetime and telling them that, I told his kids he was doing well. And he was. They gave it to me today. They came in and told me I had to leave the room. And I have to give a report to someone else. They took me from this ward and took me to the emergency department. And they don't need me there, but they put me there. And I'm not even there for about 20 minutes; I'm not even there for 20 minutes. And I hear them calling a code for my room I just got out of (a code that serves to call all the hospital assistants who are involved in critical situations). And this is him. And he was fine. Do not understand it. Nothing makes sense, e.g. Why would they take me out of his room and put me in E.D.Y. And then, less than 20 minutes later, he was dead. There's no point. It's like they killed him! He was the only patient of mine who would survive. He did not have to die. I don't know what they did to him. Something is wrong.


Another malpractice nurse is Nevada-based Nicole Orphan (RN), who travels to New York to work on the front line against Covid at two different hospitals (

I know that not everyone will live. But these people are dying of covid. Let me give you a few examples here. One patient had a heart rate of 40 and the resident began to do chest compressions. Which is not done. You just give them a cardiac rhythm on the outside or give them some atropine. And then I ran to stop him from doing chest compressions to someone with a fucking pulse. And then he decides to put Epi (Epinephrine). He throws several tampons at him to defibrillate the man. He has a pulse of 40 and a stable respiratory and heart rhythm. I just have to give him some atropine and give him a beat. He defibrillates him idiotically and kills him. The director of nurses was standing there. And I say, "Can you stop him? He will kill this patient. He's going to kill this patient. ”And the director of nurses just shook his head. And I turned and he killed the man. They will let it rot on the fan. They improperly treat these patients. Nobody listens. They don't care what happens to these people. They don't. I literally come here every day and watch them kill them. It's like getting into the fucking Twilight Zone. Looks like everyone here is okay with that! The only way I can put this in context for everyone is and it will be a kind of extreme example… it's like the only thing I can think of is like we're in Nazi Germany and they take the Jews to go put them in a gas chamber, I'm the one there who says, "Hey, that's not good!" "That's bad… that's wrong!" "We shouldn't do this!" And then everyone tells me, "Wait a minute. You are doing a great job! You can't save everyone. You are amazing, you are a great nurse! People, I know I am a great nurse. I know, I go in there and give 500% every day. What I need is someone to help me save these people from murder, OK? From gross negligence and completely poor medical procedure.

Can anyone suggest a solution for me? Because I'm a little out of ideas. I'm trying to talk to some other nurses here, and they're like, "You can't save everyone." And they all know what's going on, they all agree with me, and they're all just shaking their heads, and I'm saying to myself, Am I the only one who's not a sociopath? Do you think this is right?

They kill these people. I'm pretty sure that when you defibrillate someone with a heart rate of 40 in a steady rhythm, you kill them? This is murder. And I'm pretty sure that when you set someone's setting to 25 and it doesn't go - I think - like 15, 20 and then you swell his lungs, then he dies? I'm sure this is murder.

I was just watching a doctor drop the midline and rupture the subclavian vein and the man was bleeding to death. I mean, Covid didn't set that center line. Kovid did not kill this man.


Dr. Cameron Kyle-Seidel is an Emergency and Critical Care Physician (Maimonides Medical Center, New York)

He sent a warning about the use of ventilators to treat patients with Covid-19, after which he was taken out of his ward…

Nine days ago, I opened intensive care units for the most Covid-positive patients in the city. The method by which we programmed the ventilator based on the concept of respiratory failure as oxygen deficiency, this method is widespread at the moment in every hospital in the country, which aims to increase the pressure on the lungs to open them, actually does more harm than good. And the pressure we put on the lungs can put pressure on the lungs so they can't stand it. They cannot accept it. And that ORDS, which we see the whole world seeing, may be nothing more than lung damage caused by the ventilator.


Anonymous respiratory therapist talks about malicious use of fans, scams and fake news…

I have been a respiratory therapist for 21 years. Basically, what was the last few months when we were locked up was that every patient who came in with a respiratory problem was labeled as a covid. It doesn't matter if it's stage 4 lung cancer, pancreatitis, heart disease, liver failure and everything else… you still, since you came up with briefing issues, are labeled as a covid patient. They may die, then they will die from covid, not from stage 4 lung cancer. So you have to admit that if every single patient is tested for covid and dies, it turns into covid death. And they show numbers like from a football game to scare you. They show you loading bodies in a tractor trailer to scare you. I have never in my career seen bodies loaded in a tractor trailer. It just doesn't happen. I wonder if these were even bodies, I really don't believe. All these things are fake. Okay? See our fans. This is not invasive ventilation, here are CIPAP / BIPAP. This is a mask that attaches to you and we can help you breathe with it. We are not allowed to use them. Ever since the covid came out, they said absolutely no, you have to let the patient collapse and go straight to the ventilator.

I'm not entirely convinced it's a virus. I've been doing this for a long time. Do your homework. Do your research. Everyone here needs to be asked some… some really difficult questions, and to question your government, and to question the people in charge, and also to question your doctors, because doctors believe in these things, just as much as everyone else. But they don't look at the real information, all they do is tell them something and hey, guess what, they have lives, they have jobs, they get everything else you have plus a little more. They will not go looking for him. They look for the little things they are told to watch. And that's it. Just like anyone else would. Okay? So these questions really need to be asked.

They lock the world! The world! Okay? And they put our children and grandchildren in heavy debt… They will never be paid. And he thinks how much tax are you paying now? Can you imagine that tomorrow our children and grandchildren will have to pay. For this scam. So please search, do your homework, ask questions.


Revealed: Hospital death camps

Hospitals have been bribed to put patients on the road to death

Revealed: Inhuman, deadly Covid protocol in hospitals


How was that even possible? How could something like this happen? For the following 3 reasons. First: the supreme stone of money and murder: the enormous incentives given to hospitals by the government if the Covid fraud was kept alive and patients were left to die. Second, because in many countries, family members were not allowed to see patients, so there were no witnesses to gross negligence and murder. And third, because in the case of New York, for example, Governor Cuomo had signed an executive order stating that no doctor or nurse could be held responsible for something that confused patients in New York during the pandemic. They had carte blanche to do everything. There was no supervision. There was no obligation to keep the archives and documentation in order. These three ingredients proved fatal to countless innocent people who were brought in thinking they were in safe hands. Not just in New York, but all over the country and the rest of the world.

There are still a lot of informants in healthcare. We urge you to find them on the Internet, for example through the highly recommended Stu Peters show. Many whistleblowers are already protected by federal whistleblower law.

"COVID patients in American hospitals today are actually treated worse than prisoners in American prisons. They were held hostage and separated from their relatives. They are not entitled to visits. They have no right to decide their treatment. They are denied basic fluids, nutrients and foods. And the reason is money. ”Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Founder of the Truth About Health Foundation.


Is it a new phenomenon that doctors choose money over saving their patients? No, it is not. We found an ominously similar story in this French book: The Chronicles of Geneva, written by Francois Bonivar in 1867, about the plague that struck Geneva in 1530 (Volume II, pp. 395-402)

An entire hospital was set up just for plague victims. She received money from patients, merchants, and the magistrate gave incentives on a monthly basis. If a patient died without a family, all property went to the hospital. But then the plague subsided. The hospital began to lose money as subsidies depended on the number of patients. So the doctors got organized. They began to cut the plague wounds from the bodies of the dead. They dried them and ground them to a powder, which they spread on the doorknobs in the dead of night. That's right: they went from house to house in the center of Geneva and secretly and deliberately spread the plague among healthy citizens in order to increase the number of patients and thus the number of financial incentives.

But one of the doctors got tired of the night's adventures. Still, he had to take care of his patients during the day! Double shift, so to speak. He became careless and threw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. But the dust smelled awful, and people recognized it as the unpleasant smell of the Black Death (plague). The doctor was arrested and tortured until he named each doctor and nurse involved in the killing scheme. They were all arrested and executed.


1530 Almost five centuries later, nothing much seems to have changed when money was offered in large quantities. Now, we are not saying that today's doctors should be punished in this way, but sometimes we wonder what will happen when people wake up and realize what really happened to their loved ones in the hands of the doctors and nurses who they trusted. We will not be surprised if they have to flee for their lives! Let's hope they all get a fair trial. After all, these aren't the 1500s anymore, are they?

As we speak, a Dutch hospital has published an article on changing palliative (sedative) care for patients with Covid-19. In short: more midazolam, more drugs in general, and fewer or preferably no visitors. No visitors, no eyewitnesses to the killing of innocent relatives who are too drugged and too confused to defend themselves…

And as if that wasn't enough, in May this year the WHO will gain full control of every country in the world in the event of a future pandemic.

"The forthcoming conference on 22-28 May 2022 envisages the final control of global health systems to be given to the WHO pending a vote, which will give the WHO Director-General broad authority to declare health emergencies or crises. in any nation, even if that nation opposes. The Director-General will be able to declare these health crises based only on his personal opinion or the consideration that there is a potential threat… ”

People will lose the right to be protected by their constitution. The WHO, a loyal vassal of the United Nations, will have full authority and control over the SAC. Make no mistake… When this happens, you will feel like the people of Shanghai right now: no rights, no freedoms, no free choice and no hope.

As George Orwell wrote in his infamous 1984:

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping a human face forever."

It's not a pretty picture, is it? So is there any hope at all? Of course there is! There always is! But the main problem of humanity is that they want to be saved. They want a savior. Or at least someone to do the work for them. And that will NOT happen. This change, this Great Awakening, can only happen to people, and to people. In other words, YOU will have to become active. Now, we are not talking about going to demonstrations or signing petitions, we are talking about something completely different! Want to know what it is and how easy it really is? Then follow me… in the 24th part!

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