How I Found My Spiritual Power to Heal
"The cause of the disease is spiritual... In treating the diseases of modem human beings, therefore, we should not depend solely on the visible disease or on the name of the disease. Instead, we should remove the fundamental cause of the disease and rely on the attributes given to us by God." Dr. Lee
Knowing of some of my spiritual healing abilities, Julia Moon once invited me for a lunch and asked me to write a book and give some testimony. Something like a biography, I guess. Thus, before starting with my life experiences that led me to discover the spiritual power to heal that God gave us, let me first share some of these healing experiences. I will start with some random experiences, just to give you a glimpse into what's possible. So, when you read this book, describing the path of my spiritual learning, you can get numerous inspirations of how you can develop and implement many of them in you own life.
1. We have spiritual senses
"My spiritual senses developed so I could discern God’s handiwork in all things of creation. As I was changing my heart to conform to God’s love." - Sun Myung Moon, Peace Loving Global Citizen
I was abroad, with an STF team, when suddenly a friend from my childhood called me on FB. She said she has some headache and high blood pressure. "Do you want me to help you with that," I asked. "Can you do that on the phone? - she was curious. "Of course, distance is not a problem for our spirit," was my reply. Focusing my mind for a minute I felt her energy and balanced it to a more calm, harmonious state.
"It's gone" - she exclaimed. "I don't feel it anymore." But then I asked her, "Why I see that your right side lungs energy is blank and dark?" "I had a cancer operation" - she replied, and described what was done to her.
Another day, on the way to a healing seminar, we stopped to eat. It was me, driving, my wife and three ladies. When we sat on the table I felt sudden painful energy in my knee. I asked, "Who has painful knee?" "I have" - the lady right next to me replied. "For I feel the stressful energy and the pain it causes" - I said.
I quickly showed them how to use the energy of their hands and relive that stressful energy with circular motions. In fact, that same lady already knew of some of my spiritual abilities and often asked me to check things for her. For example, when offered a new job, she would ask me to check if it is good for her, and I will describe how it feels. Focusing my mind just in seconds I start describing, "you will have these and these tensions... that will be overloading for you... that will be nice... such and such relations you will have there with others," and so on.
Even though I'm describing the situation without knowing anything about the job, my spirit is there sensing all these things instantly. And since she knows the situation, she understands exactly what I'm describing and why this is good or bad for her. As Father Moon said,
"The perfected man is one whose spiritual antenna has give and take with his physical antenna." The Fountain of Life
But sensing spiritually is not all. Once you know the current spiritual situation you can choose to change it - alter it in accordance with God's will and your desire. In that regard, once a Peace Ambassador applying for a very high position in the court, asked me to check if she will get that position. I told her, "No, there is another person whose power is bigger and he will get it." She confirmed that this is true, and she also knows that he is most surely to get the job.
"Do you want me to check if that can be changed," - I asked. She agreed. "Yes," was the spiritual feedback. I altered little bit the situation and gave her a simple condition of how to change the situation spiritually. Few months later, when we met, she told me that it worked and she got that high position.
What I'm trying to explain with these examples is that I prefer not to heal people, but to teach them how to heal themselves. Not to correct their future, but to teach them how they can change it, remove the barriers, open the opportunities. Isn't that what prayer is all about. But because of my spiritual sensibility I can describe it to them in more scientific terms of quantum energy and frequency, so they can better understand. That helps them have the needed faith and zeal to do the conditions needed for the change.
After creating a blog and writing number of articles explaining in simple terms how to do such energy healing I was often getting phone calls from people who wanted to try some of the beginner tools I was offering. While talking on the phone I would tell them, "Oh, I feel this painful energy in this part of your body." Usually they are surprised - "How can you feel that."
But what I can sense is way beyond that. I can sense what painful frequency comes from what kind of experienced stressful emotions, what shape that energy has, is it easy to melt or is resistant - having some spiritual power behind it. In fact, following that energy I can see how many spirits, why they come, who is controlling them, all the way up to the fallen angels controlling that area and causing all that.
Through this I came to observe how evil spirit world is very hierarchically organized - like a pyramid under Lucifer and the fallen angels. Most of the evil spiritual influences are not random, but very organized. But I don't care much of these things anymore. I just focus to help, liberate and heal that stressful energy-plasma field I sense. Once that's done, all chain of healing reactions will happen in the spiritual and physical plane. That's why Dr. Lee stressed:
"The cause of the disease is spiritual... In treating the diseases of modem human beings, therefore, we should not depend solely on the visible disease or on the name of the disease. Instead, we should remove the fundamental cause of the disease and rely on the attributes given to us by God." Dr. Lee
"A mist seemed to gather round and enfold me in its chill embrace, while phantom forms of awful shape and giant size drew near and yet more near. Oh, horror! they were my own past misdeeds, my own evil thoughts and desires, which had been prompted by this very man beside me and which nestling in my heart had formed those links between us that held me to him now." WSL p.78
".. for in the lower spheres the spirit is conscious of bodily sufferings. As it grows more advanced.. the less material envelope of the higher spirits making them at last insensible to anything like material pain." WSL p.17
This evil spirit energy feels like toxins in our body. I see it as a plasma fog of destructive frequency. If we liberate it, through prayer or other healthy practices, we will liberate this spirit. But instead we go to the doctor and he gives us some more toxins, just to cover up the symptoms; not even aiming to heal the root cause. In effect, we gradually become same like these evil spirits. Our spirit does not grow to shine and be able to resurrect such low spiritual energies, instead we are eternally subordinate to them. And that will make us burden for others, once we go in the spirit world.
As the Great Mother (DMN) explained from the spirit world, we have to Liberate our body from evil spirits so our Original mind can be free:
"Many evil spirits are occupying your bodies. Without separating them, you will not be able to extirpate the fallen nature, hereditary sins, and individual sins, nor perfect your individuality. Hence, with a firm determination to expel the evil spirits from the body by all mean..."When and why do we feel the symptoms? This stressful-negative energy was building up in the body, most probably for a long time. Could be even from such ancestors or resentful spirits. It's growing like a big iceberg under the water. But only when it starts coming out on the surface, is that we feel some pain or discomfort.
When an evil spirit comes to you you may start feeling sick or troubled in some other way. Instead of thinking of yourself, think of his suffering. He is still imprisoned in this sick energy and you can liberate him.
When pain and sickness come see that as a signal for something to be liberated. What was invisible, becomes manifested physically. But this problem was there even before you got aware. Remove the cause instead of letting it grow further. The following case demonstrates that well..
A local member of the church once visited me. "I have pain in my heart in the last few weeks," he said, "and some times it feels like I'm going to die." "Why you didn't tell me earlier, that's easy to remove" - I responded. Focusing my mind I started scanning the energy around his heart. "On top I sense some heavy frequency, like stress and warry" - I described. On bottom of the heart the stressful frequency was coming from deep sadness. And from the side was some strong resentful frequency with clear intention to kill. So that was from some resentful spirits.
It took around 5 to 10 minutes while I was describing all these frequencies and where they originate from, how they are stored around the muscles and causing these physical effects. "It is gone," he said at that point, "I don't feel it anymore." "Of course" - I replied, "While describing it one by one, I was harmonizing each one of them."
A mount later I asked him if he is still OK. "I didn't have this pain again since then," he replied. But still I scanned him to check the situation. It was not good. There was nothing around the heart, so he felt externally fine, But there was so much more of this resentful energy coming from the back area, that would soon reach again to the heart. Obviously these resentful spirits were still there. This time it took me more than 30-40 minutes to remove that resentful frequency.
And since once this painful magnetic field is healed the spirits stuck in it are released, prayer is very important to send them to 100 day workshop in the spirit world - to get re-educated as good spirits. That's why the Great Mother (DMN) was explaining that energy healing works, but it's even more important where these spirits will be send afterwards. She also explained that once our spirit matures and has more light we can all heal even with our hands, using circular motions. True Father also talked about that.
2. We Can Feel the Spiritual Reality Through Our Physical Senses
How can I sense the spiritual reality without opening spiritually? When I was around 23-24 years old my spirit senses started opening. But since that was not pleasant I put strong efforts to close them and accept for some occasions when God specifically asked me, I never opened them. How do I then perceive the spiritual reality? Just as the Principle explains, through the physical senses. Spiritual sensibility comes automatic when your spirit is stronger than your body.
All the spiritual phenomena... perceived by the spirit man are reflected and echoed in the physical man, presenting themselves as physical phenomena, man finally comes to feel spiritual phenomena even with his five physical senses.” DP 62: Structure of the Spirit Man
You don't have to open spiritually. You're just sensing God, the truth and everything automatically, because your physical mind receives the information from your spirit mind, connected to God. Our Heart is the core of our spirit, so it requires our spirit to develop it's sensibility, the Principle explains.
"Human beings are endowed with emotional sensitivity to the Heart of God.. so that after his perfection, he could breath God’s love perfectly.." - Divine Principle p. 80
That's why FAITH WITHOUT SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES IS LIE - physical mind thinking / just physical, neurological connections. Such person is a materialist who rationalizes his thoughts of faith, but does not actually have it. As the Principle clarifies,
“The sensibility of our spirit man is to be cultivated... during physical life on earth." DP 62
You cannot develop them in the spirit world. That needs to happen while you have physical body, the Principle explains.
"If you cannot control the spirit world, you cannot control the physical world... bring the results from there to earth." Sun Myung Moon, Earthly Life and the Spirit World II
Here is one of my articles, explaining the importance of developing our spiritual sensibility in our physical life, for that will be difficult in the sprit world and leave us blind there.
Divine Principle is clear - Without developing our spiritual sensibility on earth we cannot feel God even in the spirit world. According to the Principle, that Spiritual sensitivity must be developed in one's physical life. That requires mind/body unity. In fact - it's an essential part of our spiritual growth. People live in darkness in the world beyond, because their "spiritual senses never having been developed on earth made them alike insensible."
"All was so dark in this place.. due to the almost total blindness of these poor spirits, whose spiritual senses never having been developed on earth." A WANDERER IN THE SPIRIT LANDSIn his book, dictated from the spirit world, Francezzo explains about the dark realms in the spirit world. The lower-undeveloped spirits live in darkness, because their spiritual senses were not developed on earth. You see, the Principle statement is not a joke. It concerns all of us. We will live in brighter realms only if our spiritual senses are being developed in relationship with the body. When our spirit is high, we are 'dimly discernible, even totally invisible' to the evil spirits. So they cannot harm us and we need no protection, Francezzo explains.
"All was so dark in this place... due to the almost total blindness of these poor spirits, whose spiritual senses never having been developed on earth made them alike insensible to all around them, just as those born on earth in a state of blindness, deafness and dumbness would be unconscious of the things which were apparent to those fully endowed with senses. In visiting the atmosphere of the earthly plane, which was a degree more suited to their state of development, these poor spirits would still be in darkness, though it would not be so complete, and they would possess the power of seeing those beings like themselves with whom they could come into direct contact, and also such mortals as were in a sufficiently low spiritual degree of development. The higher and more spiritualized mortals, and still more the disembodied spirits in advance of them would be only very dimly discernible, or even totally invisible." A WANDERER IN THE SPIRIT LANDS
"I saw four majestic spirits from the higher spheres making magnetic passes over his prostrate form.. From the dark disfigured body.. arose a mist-like vapor which grew more and more dense till it took shape in the form of the spirit himself; the purified soul of that poor spirit released from its dark envelope; and I saw those four angelic spirits lift the still unconscious risen soul in their arms as one would bear a child, and then they all floated away from me up, up, till they vanished from my sight." WSL p.59
Perfection is to Perfect True Love
"The human being is the best antenna of true love." The Fountain of LifeYou see, perfection is not about knowledge or power. It's all about our level of heart. See the chart of Heart Resonance; What level of Resonance you breath in? A simple example of how our heart level affects us; You feel true love, you give true love. You feel hate, you act with hate. The level of Perfection is the level where we resonate with true love. It is where we breathe God's love.
"Make yourself a tuning fork, resonating with and vibrating along God’s frequency. Resonate with God’s unselfishness." - Father On Spiritual Help
This resonance is at the Completion Stage, which is the stage of Will - Goodness (meaning actual perfection of Living for Others (LFSO)); The stage where GOD CAN FREELY ACT THROUGH US, because we automatically respond to his Heart. Millions around the world are working hard to restore a nation in that resonance of heart. Read, THE MODEL FOR THE IDEAL PEACEFUL WORLD
Emotional Sensitivity to God's Heart
We live in a world of magnetical fields. Do you know that the heart produces 5000 times stronger magnetic field than the brain? The human heart contains intelligence independent from the brain, that guides our lives. As the Principle explains,
"Human beings are endowed with emotional sensitivity to the Heart of God.. so that after his perfection, he could breath God’s love perfectly.." - Divine Principle p. 80Our Heart is the essence and the center of our Spirit Mind, where God dwells. Read, Our Emotional Sensitivity to God's Heart
“God is at the center of your heart… God is the root of love.. we cannot feel Him.. because He and we are one. He is one with love.. to manifest God, you have to spread your love in all four directions.” CSG Book 1. God p.28Please understand. Now, after 2013, more and more of our members will start reaching this point. Those who don't, will suffer, get more negative and start accusing (like SC). Father predicted that. Now the Age for the Ideal Peaceful World (CIG) is open. We should cut off from the Satanic world; Stop living in the world of fear, selfishness, and resentments; The way to perfection is opened and this is the realm of heart, love, and living for the sake of others. True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon, is now spreading the Culture of Heart. She is truly establishing THE MODEL FOR THE IDEAL PEACEFUL WORLD.
Continue to the I and II Part of the Book:
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